July 10, 2012

Recipe: 1 bra. 1 tbsp Skin Care. 2 Cups of Love.

Interfilière Paris: Day 3

Oh technology, what excitement you bring. Back in college, I remember answering a scholarship application questionnaire that went something like "How would you like to change the lingerie industry." I cooked up a recipe of one bra and a tablespoon of skin care to garnish 2 lovely cups of breasts.

Skin care is a multi-billion industry. Vanity is a necessity. Woman will never cease to revitalize their appearance. From perfume, skin care, cosmetics, heels, and everything in between, these are powerful mediums to enhance femininity. We've all heard tales of magical potions for everlasting youth and lingerie is not an exception.

For years, I've worked in the beauty business through the world of Estee Lauder, Anna Sui, and Victoria's Secret Beauty. At C.O.Bigelow in NY Greenwhich village, my experiences covered big brands like Shiseido to smaller independent brands like COR, Le Peau, Talika amongst many more. It was only natural for me to blend my training as a lingerie designer and my current profession together. Woman butter their skin care to prevent aging or to "lift" wrinkles. Same concept holds for for wearing lingerie to prevent sagging and '"lift" the fat (via pushup bras). Now if we could have a bra with skincare benefits encapsulated in the cups, miracles could happen.

So at Paris Intefilière, I was very excited to see all the fabrics offer this benefit, thanx to technology. Anti-aging, anti-cellulite, slimming, UV protection, etc... Incredible! This concept has been developing for few years already but the fabrics are getting lighter with a more sensual feel. Think about having your breasts undergoing a day-long spa treatment simply by wearing a bra. Sweet deal. At the moment, it's quite an expensive endeavor but this technology is definitely worth noting and following up on.

For now, LYL Pillowbook will stick with fabric that is the most natural and an old time classic- 100% silk.

PS. I did win the scholarship :)

LYL Irene


My photo
Beijing, China
The private garden of desire, pleasure, and lingerie to dress your fantasies into bloom. “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” Anais Nin